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solar panel and battery storage installation in Corby

As the interest in sustainable energy solutions grows, more homeowners are turning to solar energy. At Residential Solar, we emphasise the practical benefits: installing solar panels and battery storage in your home not only significantly reduces your energy bills but also aids in environmental conservation.

embracing 1478 hours of sunshine!

Corby enjoys a generous average of 1478 hours of Sunshine each year!

the benefits of solar and battery storage

greater energy autonomy


Solar panels paired with battery storage allow you to collect and store energy that isn’t used during peak sunlight hours. This energy is then available for use in the evening or during less sunny days, drastically reducing your need to rely on the national grid. This level of autonomy is especially beneficial during unexpected power outages or during peak energy costs.

increased financial savings

reduced energy bills

Utilising the energy stored during periods of high tariffs helps you avoid peak electricity prices, significantly cutting your power costs. The financial savings you accumulate can substantially offset the initial investment in the solar and battery setup.

potential for revenue

If your system produces more energy than you use, you might also gain an additional revenue stream by selling the surplus back to the grid. Initiatives like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), which offers payments for the solar energy you export, make this possible.

increased property value

attractiveness to buyers

Properties fitted with solar panels and battery storage are often more appealing to potential buyers, appreciated for their energy efficiency and the cost savings they promise. This enhancement can increase the resale value of the property.

desirability in market

With rising energy prices and heightened environmental awareness, the demand for homes with renewable energy systems is likely to continue growing.

reduced environmental impact

sustainable energy use

Combining solar panels with battery storage creates an efficient system that maximises the use of natural resources. This is vital for combating climate change and reducing the ecological footprint.

explore more about the advantages of solar panels and battery storage on our blog!

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the installation process for residential solar systems

getting started

Kick off your solar journey by obtaining a personalised quote with our energy savings estimator.

Cost Calculator
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stay informed

We will email you your personalised quote, which will form the foundation for the next steps in the process.

personal contact

A member of our team will reach out to discuss your quote and set up a visit from one of our expert engineers, who will tailor a solar panel system specifically for your home’s needs.

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installation day

Installation is typically completed within one to two days. Our goal is to keep disruption to your daily life to a minimum. And, of course, if you’re around and offer a cup of tea, it’s always welcomed!

common solar questions answered

do solar panels require direct sunlight to generate energy?

Although they are most effective in direct sunlight, solar panels are designed to produce electricity throughout the year, regardless of weather variations.

can any home install solar panels?

Most homes in Corby are suitable for solar panel installation, but factors such as excessive shade, poor roof conditions, or limited space may present challenges. Our local team is available to provide consultation, assess your specific needs, and offer viable solutions.

what is the lifespan of solar panels?

Solar panels are generally accompanied by warranties ranging from 12 to 30 years and include a performance guarantee of up to 30 years, ensuring sustained effectiveness and reliability.

is planning permission required to install solar panels?

In most cases, installing solar panels in Corby does not require planning permission under the UK’s 2008 ‘Permitted Development’ rules. However, if your home is in a conservation area or is a listed building, you may need to apply for permission.

For Corby residents eager to lower their energy bills and make a positive environmental impact, solar panels and battery storage are an excellent choice.

contact us to learn how you can begin your sustainable energy journey.

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