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solar panel and battery storage installation in Market Harborough

Solar energy is increasingly recognised as a key player in sustainable home energy solutions. At Residential Solar, we are dedicated to showcasing the practical benefits of solar panels and battery storage, which not only drastically reduce your energy costs but also contribute significantly to environmental conservation.

enjoying 1478 hours of sunshine!

Market Harborough benefits from an impressive 1478 hours of Sunshine each year!

the benefits of solar and battery storage

greater energy autonomy


Installing solar panels and battery storage enables you to harness and store excess energy during peak sunlight hours. This stored energy can then be used in the evenings or during overcast days, significantly reducing your dependence on the national grid. This autonomy is invaluable during power outages and periods of high energy costs.

increased financial savings

reduced energy bills

By using the stored solar energy during peak tariff times, you can avoid expensive energy prices, significantly reducing your electricity bills. These savings can offset the cost of installing both the solar panels and battery systems.

potential for revenue

There’s also the potential to generate additional income by selling surplus energy back to the grid. This is facilitated by the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), which compensates you for the excess solar energy you export.

increased property value

attractiveness to buyers

Homes outfitted with solar panels and battery storage generally attract more interest from potential buyers, who often value energy efficiency and potential cost savings. This can significantly enhance the property’s resale value.

desirability in market

As energy prices soar and environmental awareness grows, the demand for homes equipped with renewable energy systems is expected to rise.

reduced environmental impact

sustainable energy use

The integration of solar panels with battery storage creates a highly efficient energy system that optimises natural resource use. This is crucial for fighting climate change and reducing environmental degradation.

dive deeper into the benefits of solar panels and battery storage on our blog!

Read More

the installation process for residential solar systems

getting started

Begin by requesting a custom quote using our energy savings estimator.

Cost Calculator
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stay informed

We’ll send your personalised quote directly to your email, establishing the groundwork for our further engagement.

personal contact

A member of our team will contact you to discuss your quote and organise a visit from one of our engineers, who will design a solar system uniquely tailored to your home.

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installation day

The installation process typically takes between one to two days. We aim to minimise any disruption to your daily routine, and if you’re around to offer a cup of tea, that would be delightful!

common questions answered

do solar panels require direct sunlight to generate energy?

Solar panels are most effective in direct sunlight but are capable of generating electricity all year round, even under various weather conditions.

can any home install solar panels?

While most homes in Market Harborough are suitable for solar panel installation, certain factors like excessive shade, poor roof conditions, or limited space might present challenges. Our local team is ready to provide a consultation to evaluate your specific needs and suggest solutions.

what is the lifespan of solar panels?

Solar panels typically come with warranties ranging from 12 to 30 years, with a performance guarantee that lasts up to 30 years, ensuring long-term reliability and efficiency.

is planning permission required to install solar panels?

Most properties in Market Harborough do not require planning permission for solar panel installations under the UK’s 2008 ‘Permitted Development’ rules. However, if your property is in a conservation area or is a listed building, you may need to seek permission.

For residents of Market Harborough looking to lower their energy costs and make a positive impact on the environment, solar panels and battery storage offer an excellent solution.

contact us to find out how you can start your journey to sustainable energy.

Get in Touch Today